Grant Writing Assistance
As you develop your grant application, the following notes may be of assistance. For product information and customized budget projections, contact your educational consultant. For help customizing your proposal, contact Tanja Easson, VP of Curriculum and Technical Support, at (800) 967-8016.
Click the appropriate links below for documentation on our materials and to learn how they can help you in your grant writing process.
Writing Your Proposal
Whether you are trying to secure funding or solicit support from decision makers, the information in this document will be helpful.
Documentation Demonstrating Career Choices Effectiveness
You will want to use these documents as attachments to your grant. They validate Career Choices as a research-based and proven program--two important components for funders today.
Ideas for Program Methodology
Share the following files with your development team. They are rich with ideas and strategies for developing a program for your site.
Sample Grants
Review these sample grants used in various situations. You'll want to peruse each one for data you can include in your own grant application.
Some of the above documents require the Adobe Acrobat Reader. Click on the icon below to downolad if necessary.