Academic Innovations
Academic Innovations

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Focus on the Future Newsletter - November 2005

Tips and strategies for classroom teachers from the publishers of the Career Choices curriculum.

10 Steps to Freshman Success
We came across a great article in the November issue of Principal Leadership magazine written by Dr. Rebecca Dedmond, Director of School Counseling at George Washington University and head of GWU's Freshman Transition Initiative. Dr. Dedmond's article, "A Personalized Plan for Life," explains the importance of standards-based Freshman Transition courses and outlines a 10-step plan for building such a program. It's a great restructuring resource!

Access a copy of Dr. Dedmond's article.

Dates Set for 2-Day Workshops in Santa Barbara, CA

  • November 7-8, 2005
  • March 13-14, 2006
  • April 24-25, 2006
  • June 26-27, 2006

Join us for two great days as we discuss and explore the many benefits of integrating classroom-based comprehensive guidance into your school -- whether as part of your Smaller Learning Communities, Freshman Transition Course, or in existing Career/Technical courses.

Visit our web site for details on this dynamic workshop.

Interesting Resource for Smaller Learning Communities
Interested in learning more about the strategies that are working for SLC programs? Visit the NW Regional Education Library's link below, and you can access information and handouts from the leadership institutes for Cohort 4 SLC grantees. Even if your program isn't a part of Cohort 4, you'll find some interesting tidbits.

Visit the NWREL web site for SLC resources.

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