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Focus on the Future Newsletter - November 10, 2004

Tips and strategies for classroom teachers from the publishers of the Career Choices curriculum.

The Bridge Project - Final Report
Released in March 2003, the final report of Stanford University's Bridge Project explores the vague and sometimes conflicting messages given to students, parents, and K-12 educators about what it takes to get into -- and succeed -- in college.

While the entire report is interesting and extremely informative, of particular interest to Career Choices educators is a chart (see page 31 of the report) outlining common misconceptions students have regarding preparing for and attending college.

As you and your students work through Chapter 12 in Career Choices (particularly pages 267-269 - Getting the Education or Training You Need), you'll want to address these misconceptions. Why? Because another tidbit reported by the Bridge Project is that teachers are as likely to advise students about going to college as guidance counselors.

Get the Bridge Project's report -- "Betraying the College Dream"

To help students as they begin to explore their post-secondary education/training options, remember that there are many online enhancing activities available to member schools at

Join us for a 2-Day Career Choices Workshop in Santa Barbara, CA
We've set the dates for our 2005 Santa Barbara workshops.

  • March 12-13
  • April 18-19
  • June 27-28

Join us for two great days as we discuss and explore the many benefits of integrating classroom-based comprehensive guidance into your school -- whether as part of your Smaller Learning Communities, Freshman Transition course, or in existing Career/Technical courses.

Visit our web site for details on this dynamic workshop.

Viewing Guides Available Online! (for users only)
We'll begin posting new viewing guides each month on our Users Only area. If you have viewing guides for movies you use in your Career Choices class and would like to share them, we'd be pleased to post them for your fellow Career Choices users. If you have a movie you use in class that is a real favorite among your students and you'd like to see us develop a viewing guide for the movie, we'd like to hear about that, too.

Share a viewing guide or submit a suggestion for the Career Choices Users Only site.

Remember, this area is for Career Choices users and you will need a password to gain access. You can do that by visitng the link below.

Get your annual password for the Career Choices Users Only area.

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