Academic Innovations
Academic Innovations

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Focus on the Future Newsletter - March 2006

Tips and strategies for classroom teachers from the publishers of the Career Choices curriculum.

Copyright Awareness Week
The American Associations of Publishers (AAP) asks us to remind you that this is Copyright Awareness Week. This national campaign encourages educators to teacher copyright and, this year, the Copyright Society has expanded this classroom materials available to teachers.

Visit the Copyright Society of the USA web site to learn more or to access free classroom materials.

Share Your Thoughts Regarding Teacher Professional Development Needs
The American Psychological Association (APA) is conducting a "Teacher's Needs Survey" to gain input from teachers about their professional development needs. The survey, which has been approved by the University of Maryland Institutional Review Board, is designed to gather information about "teachers' perceptions of professional development in several areas." The survey takes about 10 minutes and the information gathered is confidential.

Participate in this survey.

Workshops Coming to Your Area!
Participants in these fast-paced, hands-on professional development workshops will discover how to help students develop effective and realistic career-inclusive education plans. They'll also explore how to use Career Choices to initiate a course that dramatically changes students' attitudes about learning while integrating academics and career planning into the curriculum.

South Carolina
March 28, 2006 -- Charleston
Quality Suites Convention Center

March 30, 2006 -- Greenville
Phoenix Greenville Inn

March 23, 2006 -- Arlington
La Quinta Arlington Conference Center

April 13, 2006 -- Los Angeles Area
DoubleTree - El Segundo

April 20, 2006 -- San Francisco Bay Area
Hayward - Fairfield Inn & Suites

Get detailed information or register online.

And, we still have room in our 2-Day "How To" Workshops in Santa Barbara, CA.

  • April 24-25, 2006
  • June 26-27, 2006

Join us for an intensive two days as we discuss and explore the many benefits of integrating classroom-based comprehensive guidance into your school -- whether as part of your Smaller Learning Communities, Freshman Transition course, or in existing Career/Technical courses.

Visit our web site for details on this dynamic workshop.

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