Corporate Funding
Many companies today are focusing their corporate philanthropy efforts on education. They are very aware of the fact that they need educated and motivated workers in the future. The Career Choices program is a wonderful vehicle for soliciting corporate sponsorship. Here's one plan for researching and executing a corporate funding campaign.
First, you'll want to see what corporations do business in your community. The best place to start your research is either the Chamber of Commerce or the Better Business Bureau. Watch the paper to see what companies are in the news. The following strategy will also work for a local business that has done well over the years and is very involved in the community. Remember you are not asking for a lot of money by their standards. Let's say you ask for funding for 100 copies of the Workbook and Portfolio. This cost is around $700, or the cost of a good size advertisement in your regional newspaper.
Once you've narrowed down to a couple of prospects, use your own network of peers, parents and friends to see if anyone knows anyone in the upper management of your communities corporate office. If you can get an introduction to either the CEO, Director of Public Relations or Director of Community Relations that is best. But even if you cannot get an introduction, don't be shy about making an appointment to see the Director of Community Relations.
When you pay your first visit, you'll want to take along a complete set of the Career Choices textbooks. They make a wonderful "prop" to your presentation because the funding source can quickly see what you intend to accomplish in your program. Besides your presentation about the program you hope to do, be sure to ask questions and listen carefully to what the funder has to say. You'll want to incorporate their ideas and program angles into your written proposal to them, which should arrive within a few days of your interview.
Remember, most businesses and corporations make donations not only to do good, but also to get publicity and generate good public relations. It is imperative that you then solicit media attention for your program throughout the year. (Newspaper articles, TV news stories, etc.). Anywhere your Career Choices program is mentioned, you'll want to be sure to add the tagline... Funded by the XYZ Corporation. The more you do this, the more likely the business or corporation is to fund your program year after year.
Some of your presentation strategies will parallel what we suggest for Community Service Organizations. Take a look in there.
You'll also want to see the following section in the Carl Perkins Funding Guide for ideas for your proposal: