The Lead Teacher/Lead Administrator program for the Career Choices/Get Focused...Stay Focused!® coursework has long been an important strategy on campuses across the country.
Over the last 12 years, our Lead Teacher/Lead Administrator 2-day institutes have helped hundreds of educators build their capacity to develop personalized professional development plans for their campuses.
The launch of AIU takes this effort to the next level.
The Lead Teacher/Lead Administrator video tutorials and eCourse were developed to:
Support "homegrown" educational leaders who can easily deliver ongoing, quality professional development for their school teams
Provide online content that can be shared and is available to all staff on campus
New Online Self-Directed Learning Opportunity (available Spring 2020)
Now with the Lead Teacher/Lead Administrator eCourse, there is an online, in-depth alternative to the 2-day institute for educational leaders. With the activation of your $249 eCourse registration, you’ll receive:
Activation codes for the self-paced course syllabus of videos, readings, and projects to increase your knowledge and effectiveness
A collection of online resources to help you in your learning and your tasks going forward, including: